- The Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (PACOP), in celebration of its 46th Anniversary, held an online forum, “2021 Experiential Pharmacy Practice (EPP) Forum” last 25th of February 2021 with the theme “EPP: Future Directions.
- The keynote speaker, Hon. Anthony Aldrin C. Santiago, PRC Board of Pharmacy, Officer-In-Charge underscored the importance of experiential pharmacy practice among Pharmacy students. This brought a dilemma to educators since the students will now have virtual internship. Thinking about the five (5) types of Internship that the students need to finish, how could they really experience real work practice with virtual internship. And to think that there are no face-to-face to classes.
- The forum was much appreciated by the attendees composed of Academic Pharmacists and respected panel of reactors from different Pharmacy Organizations for the 5 EPP areas Parallel sessions.
- The forum was consisted of 2 parts, Part 1 (Orientation on the PACOP Implementing Guidelines for Outcomes-based EPP during COVID-19 Pandemic) and Part 2 (Parallel sessions on the 5 EPP Areas namely : Community Pharmacy, Institutional Pharmacy, Public Health and Regulatory Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy and Hospital Pharmacy) in which course plans and modules presented for stakeholders’ further inputs. The modules and course plans will be sent to Pharmacy Schools once final revision is done.