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SSLC Logo - South SEED LPDH College

South SEED-LPDH College (SSLC) is based on a solid educational foundation upon which students draw limitless opportunities to optimize their potential, become excellent in academics and values, develop a whole personality focusing on being competent professionals, ethical practitioners, committed to the organization and the expert delivery of their profession, become inner-directed, creative, productive and achieving members of society.


Its logo is the symbol that encompasses the credo, vision, and mission of the school. “Scientia, Ethica, Caritas” are Latin translations of SSLC motto of “Knowledge, Ethics, and Care” which symbolizes the ideals of SSLC.

The COAT OF ARMS symbolizes the strong foundation of the institution. It is marked by the strong commitment of the academic community.

SSLC believes that VALUES and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT for the students is the most basic foundation it must equip the students. The ability to manage oneself, share, relate, and collaborate with others is what we envision the youth of the school to anchor on and to live out.

The LAUREL LEAVES, the universal mark of COMPETENCE and ACHIEVEMENT underscores the prime value that SSLC places on its educational programs. Its curriculum is on a par with international standards, is enriched in depth and in breadth, and develops the students’ logical, analytical and critical thinking skills, judgment and creativity.

The STARS, symbolize HOPE and SSLC’s statement of the future. SSLC graduates are envisioned as the vanguards of the health of society and the leader in technology innovation, leadership, in public service, and in various enterprises.

The colors GREEN and GOLD signify the desire to achieve excellence, zest for life, and an insatiable curiosity to learn, to create, and to make a significant difference.