- The third year Medical Technology students of Academic Year 2020-2021 will be the first batch to take the new course this 2nd semester of A.Y. 2020-2021. This new course introduces students the basic concepts of structure and function of nucleic acids and proteins in molecular diagnostic techniques such as Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
and Ribonucleic acid (RNA) isolation, gel electrophoresis, hybridization, nucleic acid amplification, restriction enzyme application, microassays, DNS sequencing, and protein analytic. Bioinformatics and its application will also be covered in the course.
This course also covers the application of the techniques in the diagnosis of infectious and non-infectious diseases, in forensics and in genetic test such the determination of the paternity of a certain person.
The laboratory exercises will introduce the students to common laboratory techniques in molecular biology, allow them to gain hands-on experience in the said techniques and apply bio safety practices.